Get your garden ready for spring.The winter months are a great time to take inventory of your garden area and get it ready for spring planting.These ideas will get your garden planting ready.
April- Plant Summer Bulbs. Get warm-weather bulbs, like dahlias, off to a solid start by planting them in pots before the ground is warm enough for planting.
May- Add Compost to Beds. Apply a 2- to 3-inch-thick layer around the base of plants. Take care not to bury any new sprouts. If possible, apply compost before rain, which will help settle it into place.
May-Hook Up Hoses- C
heck for leaks and get ready for when you need to water.
March- Sharpen Cutting Tools.This can be done at any point during the off- season. Get your tools ready now so they're ready when you need them.
April- Clean Up Beds. Remove any debris from the winter months and let your beds breathe fro the spring months.
March-Cut back perennials that didn't get cut back in the fall.
April- Cool weather seeds. We all get excited when spring comes around. It's not to early to sow lettuce, alyssum, Kale, or broccoli.
May- Fill Birdbaths and welcome back the wildlife to your yard.
April- Mulch garden beds. After the debris is cleaned up, mulch your beds for a fresh spring look.